38795855 visits

BSc (UWO), HBSc (UWO),
PhD (Laval)

Assistant Professor

Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa

Science Education and
Science Communication
(Ecology, Evolution and
Environmental Science)

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Professeur adjoint

Département de biologie
Faculté des sciences
Faculté de l’Éducation
Université d’Ottawa

Pédagogie scientifique et communication scientifique
(Écologie, Évolution et Sciences


archive page

Archive for March 2015

Pedagogical Manuscript Coming Out Soon

Over the past 8 years or so, I have developed a pedagogical approach to teaching and learning of scientific terminology to accompany the instruction of a course that I teach at uOttawa on an introduction to animal form and function.  One of the great challenges to students is in the requirement to learn entire lexicons […]

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