38820096 visits

BSc (UWO), HBSc (UWO),
PhD (Laval)

Assistant Professor

Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa

Science Education and
Science Communication
(Ecology, Evolution and
Environmental Science)

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Professeur adjoint

Département de biologie
Faculté des sciences
Faculté de l’Éducation
Université d’Ottawa

Pédagogie scientifique et communication scientifique
(Écologie, Évolution et Sciences


single meta

uOttawa Cross-Faculty Symposium on Science Teaching and Learning

A Cross-Faculty Symposium on Science Teaching and Learning:
Linking Theoretical and Practical Perspectives

Faculty of Science and Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa, Monday May 8, 2017 in Lamoureux 477

This inaugural cross-Faculty symposium will be a venue allowing for communication and collaboration between our two Faculties, in order to share and discuss our theoretical and practical approaches to science education at uOttawa. The reasons for such meaningful exchange between participants would be threefold, to: (i) lead to greater knowledge mobility across our related fields – i.e. science and education; (ii) improve the learning experiences of our undergraduate and graduate students; (iii) foster joint research projects between members of our faculties.

 Coffee, snacks and a light lunch will be served.

Program Schedule:

09:00 opening remarks by Dr. Steve Perry, Dean of Science.

09:15 Session 1: teaching and learning science in the Faculty of Science, Part 1 moderated by Mark Ingham (Faculty of Education)
Dr. Elaine Beaulieu view abstract,
Dr. Alp Oran view abstract,
Dr. Brown & Dr. Reis view abstract

10:30 coffee break

10:50 Session 2: teaching and learning science in the Faculty of Science, Part 2 moderated by Dr. Adam Oliver Brown (Faculty of Science, Biology and Faculty of Education)
A panel presentation from Dr. Alison Flynn and Dr. Mark Raycroft, Nicholas Bode, Dr. Kelli Galloway, Dr. Amanda Bongers, Natalie Magdalena Sadowski view abstract

12:05 lunch 

13:00 Session 3: teaching and learning science in the Faculty of Education and OCDSB, moderated by Dr. Raymond Leblanc (Faculty of Education) 
Dr. Tippett view abstract,
Michael Harrison view abstract,
Bogna Haddad view abstract,
Alishia Valeri view abstract,
Paula Hall view abstract

14:30 coffee break

14:55 Session 4: teaching and learning science in the Faculty of Science, Part 3 moderated by Dr. Richard Maclure (Faculty of Education)
Dr. Focsaneanu view abstract,
Dr. Adam Oliver Brown view abstract

15:45 closing remarks Dr. Stéphane Lévesque, Vice-Dean of Research (Education)

Please rsvp to confirm your attendance, we look forward to seeing you!

Dr. Adam Oliver Brown (Faculties of Science and Education)
Dr. Giuliano Reis (Faculty of Education)

We wish to thanks our generous sponsors:













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