30393129 visits

BSc (UWO), HBSc (UWO),
PhD (Laval)

Assistant Professor

Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa

Science Education and
Science Communication
(Ecology, Evolution and
Environmental Science)

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Professeur adjoint

Département de biologie
Faculté des sciences
Faculté de l’Éducation
Université d’Ottawa

Pédagogie scientifique et communication scientifique
(Écologie, Évolution et Sciences


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Back from Peru!

Dr. Brown is just back from a gruelling but fantastic trip to Tarapoto, Peru for the filming of the upcoming Nature of Things episode on Amazonian plant medicine and Ayahuasca.  We had an amazing time filming in the tropical forests, swinging on vines and braving raging rivers!  This is not to mention the tremendously potent and therapeutic effects of the plants that we consumed while down there, used in traditional contexts to heal wounds and strengthen the soul.

Under the expert guidance of Cuandero (Shaman) Dr. Jacques Mabit and the guru of neuro-ethological explanations for trauma effects and addictive behaviours, Dr. Gabor Maté, the story that unwinds in Peru is one of mystery, magic and revelation.  Ayahuasca is near-magical in its ability to reach the deepest depths of your psyche and tell you much about yourself in the process.  The experience is both scary and enlightening but the real potential lies in being able to help people who struggle with psychological problems, mood disorders and destructive behaviours such as addictions.  Ayahuasca bridges the gap between Old World sorcery and New World medicine.

The show will air in December on the CBC but check out my photos on the Photography page in the mean time.

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