38796031 visits

BSc (UWO), HBSc (UWO),
PhD (Laval)

Assistant Professor

Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa

Science Education and
Science Communication
(Ecology, Evolution and
Environmental Science)

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Professeur adjoint

Département de biologie
Faculté des sciences
Faculté de l’Éducation
Université d’Ottawa

Pédagogie scientifique et communication scientifique
(Écologie, Évolution et Sciences


archive page

Archive for February 2010

Morris Intensive Course at Pinewoods Camp.

In 2009, in collaboration with Justin Morrison, Stefan Read and Tom Kruskal, I was involved in elaborating a Morris Dance intensive short course at Pinewoods Music and Dance Camp in Massachusetts, run by the Country Dance and Song Society of America (CDSS).  The goals of this course were to provide an in-depth analytical look at […]

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Thames Valley International

I have been a member of TVI Morris Dancing team since I was around 8 years old.  This international consortium of fine Morris Dancers has garnered much acclaim for their ability to pull off high quality dance performances with seemingly no practice.  Follow the enigma that is TVI here.

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Ottawa Folk Festival: Board of Directors

I have been elected onto the Board of Directors for the Ottawa Folk Festival. This is an exciting time for this international music and dance festival with the recent hiring of a new Festival Director (Dylan Griffith) and General Manager (Ana Miura) and I am thrilled to be a part of it.  The OFF hosts […]

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In a similar fruiting architecture as cranberry, strawberry (Fragaria vesca) plants produce several fruit per reproductive stem and therefore face similar selection pressures in requiring to balance the needs for immediate reproduction and long-term growth and survival. We studied the production of fruit in strawberry plants as it relates to levels of pollination and flower […]

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The perrenial cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) is an important agricultural crop in North America, particularly in New England, British Columbia and Quebec. Due to the fact that the reproductive stems produce more flowers than ever develop into fruit, farmers are constantly looking for ways to increase their yield, often resorting to expensive additions of chemical fertilizers […]

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Glossaire de termes biologiques en français

De toute nouveauté pour la session d’hiver 2010, j’ai publié un glossaire de termes pour la biologie des organismes en français pour combler une lacune au niveau de la disponibilité en ligne de ressources biologiques en français.  Suivez ce lien vers le glossaire trouvé sur ce site. Le Glossaire Biologique est maintenant disponible comme App […]

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Science Communication

Science is playing an increasingly important role in society and therefore members of the general public will need to make sound political, ethical, technological and economic decisions based at least in part on the integrity of the science behind each scenario. In a democratic society, public opinion plays a major role in decisions made in […]

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Off to Peru!

Dr. Brown is heading off to Tarapoto, Peru in March in order to film the next series of segments for the Nature of Things episode.  We will be exploring the Amazonian jungle, attending Ayahuasca ceremonies in traditional Amazonian contexts and documenting the use of the psychaedelic brew in clinics treating people with various types of […]

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I have co-supervised Vanessa Pilon’s 4th year thesis project on the pollination ecology of blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) plants at Ramsay Lake in the Gatineau Park, Quebec (in collaboration with Dr. Risa Sargent).  During the summer of 2009, Vanessa looked at factors that may limit fruit and seed production within individual blueberry plants, as they relate […]

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Une Approche Étymologique pour Apprendre la Terminologie Biologique

Avec tant de nouveaux termes à apprendre pour chaque cours, ça peut devenir rapidement écrasant pour les étudiant.e.s. Une réaction courante est d’essayer d’entasser le tout dans sa tête par mémorisation et espérer que ça y reste. En réalité, ça ne fonctionne habituellement pas comme ça. La mémorisation de n’importe quelle quantité de faits quelconques […]

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The dioecious cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) is a wild berry that grows in subarctic bogs in all northern regions of the world. While commercial cultivation of cloudberry exists in many parts of Scandinavia, the cloudberry industry in Canada is currently limited by the quantities collected during manual wild harvests. As an important first step towards the eventual […]

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Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Brown, A.O. and J.N. McNeil. 2009 Pollination ecology of the high latitude, dioecious cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus: Rosaceae). American Journal of Botany. 96: 1096-1107. (download pdf) Brown, A.O. and J.N. McNeil. 2006. Fruit production in cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.): a bet-hedging strategy to optimize reproductive effort. American Journal of Botany. 93: 910-916. (download pdf) Pelletier, L., […]

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