38205944 visits

BSc (UWO), HBSc (UWO),
PhD (Laval)

Assistant Professor

Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa

Science Education and
Science Communication
(Ecology, Evolution and
Environmental Science)

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Professeur adjoint

Département de biologie
Faculté des sciences
Faculté de l’Éducation
Université d’Ottawa

Pédagogie scientifique et communication scientifique
(Écologie, Évolution et Sciences


single meta

TV show on air: Finding Stuff Out

Last summer, I spent a day filming an episode of a new science show for kids, called Finding Stuff Out.  This new series, hosted by Harrison Houde on TVO Kids, is a blog-style TV show in which Harrison answers questions he receives from kids on his website with the help of guest scientists.  Next Friday, April 13th I will be guest hosting this show with Harrison on Oceans.  We will play games, hang with kid guests and Harrison’s head will even explode (I blew his mind)!  You can check out the series website here for more information and to watch the program online if you miss it on television.

If you would just like to see the clip with my parts on the show, here is a 10min edit of the ‘Oceans’ episode featuring the special guest Dr. Adam Brown!

Finding Stuff Out edit1

© copyright TVOkids, please do not redistribute!

Finding Stuff Out airs Fridays at 5:30pm and Saturdays at 9:30am on TVO.

5 comments pour TV show on air: Finding Stuff Out

  1. up

    Hi Harrison why do we have brains

  2. GLB

    What is the difference between boys and girls tast buds

  3. INVS Logistics

    The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. (En zor şey harekete geçme kararıı vermektir, geriye kalan ise sadece azimdir.) – Amelia Earhart

  4. gemlik gazetesi

    bunun instagram için olanı varsa eğer hemen biri söylesin bana

  5. Özken Trafo

    Bir araya gelmek bir başlangıçtır, beraberliği sürdürmek bir ilerleme…

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