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BSc (UWO), HBSc (UWO),
PhD (Laval)

Assistant Professor

Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa

Science Education and
Science Communication
(Ecology, Evolution and
Environmental Science)

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Professeur adjoint

Département de biologie
Faculté des sciences
Faculté de l’Éducation
Université d’Ottawa

Pédagogie scientifique et communication scientifique
(Écologie, Évolution et Sciences


art categories


Having grown up in a family of artists, I have a serious penchant for all things artistic.  Although as a professional scientist I am considered the white sheep in the family, I like to think that I have a lot of grey.  Alongside my career as a scientist, I have been an active participant in the arts, particularly in music and dance, but also dabbling in theatrical performances, photography and sculpture.

Use the link buttons above to see the various artistic activities in my life.  Below you will find articles and clippings as they become available.

Interview about music, art and science

Have a listen to some Biology profs discussing music, art and science in the latest uOttawa BioGrads magazine ‘BioMatters‘. I’m on second.       or here’s a direct link to the audio :

Science/Art Show up at the Manx

My current science/art show is currently hanging at the Manx pub on Elgin street in Ottawa for the month of July.  This show, which focusses on the aesthetic elements of insect diversity aims to connect people with nature in this common neighbourhood pub.  Come on by for a drink and a chat about biodiversity and […]

Stuart McLean has passed, have a listen to his Father’s Day tribute

I am saddened to hear about the death of Stuart McLean.  His voice and rich stories were a staple for me over the years listening to the CBC radio.  We were very touched and honoured to have had him pay tribute to my dad’s band, The Friends of Fiddler’s Green, for the Father’s Day episode […]

Recording Music in the Studio with Arcade Fire’s Richard Parry

Wow, what an exciting day I had today.  I had the pleasure of singing some vocals on a few tracks for an upcoming album from Richard Reed Parry (Arcade Fire, Bell Orchestre), an old pal who is more like a cousin to me than anything else.  Our dads sang and played together in The Friends […]

Elected as a Director to the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals

This past 13-16th of October, the annual conference for the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals was held in Niagara Falls, Ontario.  These weekends are a carnival of seminars, concerts, networking and parties over 4 days and nights with the Who’s Who of the North American festival scene.  I was involved as a stage hosting MC […]

artsScene Ottawa was featured in the Glebe Report

artsScene Ottawa, a non-profit organization that aims to bridge the artistic and business communities in Ottawa for which I am a director of the board, was featured last month in the Glebe Report.  Click here to read the article.

My apartment is featured in Apt613

Apt613, the local Ottawa-Gatineau arts and culture online publication has started a new column showcasing interesting apartments around town.  They have launched their series with a special profile on my apartment.  Accompanied by some descriptive text on how and why the place came to be, there is a photo slideshow of the diggs.  Please check […]

The Friends of Fiddler’s Green vs. Stan Rogers

I grew up spending most of my spare time hanging out backstage at concerts, festivals and camps devoted to folk music and dance throughout the 70s and 80s. This was largely due to my father’s incessant gigging schedule with The Friends of Fiddler’s Green (pictured left in their heyday) and later as a participant myself […]

ArtsScene Ottawa – Board of Directors

I have been elected to the Board of Directors of the Ottawa chapter of ArtsScene.  This is a non-profit initiative that brings together young business and creative professionals (ages 18-40) through the arts, culture and creative industries. artsScene is a national initiative made possible by Business for the Arts, a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering […]

Morris Intensive Course at Pinewoods Camp.

In 2009, in collaboration with Justin Morrison, Stefan Read and Tom Kruskal, I was involved in elaborating a Morris Dance intensive short course at Pinewoods Music and Dance Camp in Massachusetts, run by the Country Dance and Song Society of America (CDSS).  The goals of this course were to provide an in-depth analytical look at […]

Ottawa Folk Festival: Board of Directors

I have been elected onto the Board of Directors for the Ottawa Folk Festival. This is an exciting time for this international music and dance festival with the recent hiring of a new Festival Director (Dylan Griffith) and General Manager (Ana Miura) and I am thrilled to be a part of it.  The OFF hosts […]

Unfolding article

I have been featured in an article on Scientist/Artist hybrids in Ottawa by the magazine Unfolding: A Journal of the Creative Process (Oct. 2009, Vol. 2, issue 7).  Click here to read the article.