38557156 visits

BSc (UWO), HBSc (UWO),
PhD (Laval)

Assistant Professor

Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa

Science Education and
Science Communication
(Ecology, Evolution and
Environmental Science)

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Professeur adjoint

Département de biologie
Faculté des sciences
Faculté de l’Éducation
Université d’Ottawa

Pédagogie scientifique et communication scientifique
(Écologie, Évolution et Sciences


publications category


Research and teaching publications. Publications professionnelles et guides étudiantes.

New Research Article Published in JoRST

This week we have seen another research article published on my work as a Science Educator at uOttawa.  This study focusses on an innovative and effective method of instruction for the sciences that relies on the teaching of examples in order to learn the rule.  Please have a look at “Exemplification in Science Instruction: Teaching […]

New video: a history of the evolution of biodiversity

  Over the past year, I have worked on writing, producing and hosting a video production on the timescale of the evolution of biodiversity on earth and the relatively recent appearance of humans on the scene, in collaboration with Dr. Ian Clark and Maverix Productions. This video is meant to act both as a standalone informal […]

New Segment from Episode of Love Nature Available

Another segment from the upcoming television series ‘Love Nature’ about animal behaviour is available for viewing.  In this portion, we are discussing the evolution of helping behaviour in honey bees.

uOttawa Sustainability Initiatives video series

Over the past year I have produced a number of videos with students of science at uOttawa and Production Maverix that showcase the sustainability initiatives at the University of Ottawa.  These projects are meant in part to offer science students the opportunity to develop skills related to the media production of science communications, as well […]

Rick Mercer-Style Rant Video Out Now

Last summer, I produced and directed a short science education video with Jason Gencher a student at McGill, in collaboration with Production Maverix and Dr. Joe Schwarcz at McGill’s Office for Science and Society.  It is based on some of the experiences that Jason had during his internship at Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency.  Have […]

Pedagogical Manuscript Coming Out Soon

Over the past 8 years or so, I have developed a pedagogical approach to teaching and learning of scientific terminology to accompany the instruction of a course that I teach at uOttawa on an introduction to animal form and function.  One of the great challenges to students is in the requirement to learn entire lexicons […]

App du Glossaire Biologique maintenant disponible sur Android

Le Glossaire des Termes Biologiques que j’ai crée pour les étudiant.e.s en biologie à l’Université d’Ottawa et maintenant disponible comme App pour les appareils électroniques utilisant le plateforme Android.  Maintenant vous pouvez porter avec vous une liste de plus de 1200 termes spécialisées des domaines de la zoologie, écologie, évolution, physiologie et d’autres sur votre appareil à […]

Guide vers le succès pour les étudiant.e.s au 1er cycle en biologie

Maintenant disponible comme livre, imprimé par Nelson Publishing en version révisée.

The Biology Undergraduate Student’s Guide To Success

Now available in paperback format from Nelson Publishing. Get your copy in English or in French at the University of Ottawa Bookstore!

The Nature of Things on air this Thursday!

Over much of 2009-2010, I was involved in the production of an episode of The Nature of Things on the psycho-therapeutic use of the highly potent psychedelic Amazonian plant mixture known as Ayahuasca.  This documentary follows a Vancouver doctor Gabor Mate as he explores the use of this ancient jungle medicine for his skid-row patients […]

Video of Keynote talk online now

Last February 2011, I traveled to St. John’s, Newfoundland to give the Keynote Lecture at the Aldrich Interdisciplinary Conference at Memorial University. During this lecture, I spoke on the need for academics to participate actively in the public discourse of science and drew upon some case study failures of scientific communication, including the propagation of pseudo-science […]

App du Glossaire Biologique disponible sur iTunes!

Le Glossaire des Termes Biologiques que j’ai crée pour les étudiant.e.s en biologie à l’Université d’Ottawa et maintenant disponible comme App pour les iPod, iPhone et iPad.  Maintenant vous pouvez porter avec vous une liste de plus de 1200 termes spécialisées des domaines de la zoologie, écologie, évolution, physiologie et d’autres sur votre appareil à […]

Glossaire de termes biologiques en français

De toute nouveauté pour la session d’hiver 2010, j’ai publié un glossaire de termes pour la biologie des organismes en français pour combler une lacune au niveau de la disponibilité en ligne de ressources biologiques en français.  Suivez ce lien vers le glossaire trouvé sur ce site. Le Glossaire Biologique est maintenant disponible comme App […]

Une Approche Étymologique pour Apprendre la Terminologie Biologique

Avec tant de nouveaux termes à apprendre pour chaque cours, ça peut devenir rapidement écrasant pour les étudiant.e.s. Une réaction courante est d’essayer d’entasser le tout dans sa tête par mémorisation et espérer que ça y reste. En réalité, ça ne fonctionne habituellement pas comme ça. La mémorisation de n’importe quelle quantité de faits quelconques […]

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Brown, A.O. and J.N. McNeil. 2009 Pollination ecology of the high latitude, dioecious cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus: Rosaceae). American Journal of Botany. 96: 1096-1107. (download pdf) Brown, A.O. and J.N. McNeil. 2006. Fruit production in cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.): a bet-hedging strategy to optimize reproductive effort. American Journal of Botany. 93: 910-916. (download pdf) Pelletier, L., […]

An Etymological Approach to Learning Biological Terminology

With so many new terms to learn for each class, it can potentially become overwhelming for students. A common reaction is to try to cram it all into your head by memorization and hope it sticks. In reality, it usually doesn’t. Memorization of any amount of mundane facts is only a short-term storage of information […]