38723940 visits

BSc (UWO), HBSc (UWO),
PhD (Laval)

Assistant Professor

Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa

Science Education and
Science Communication
(Ecology, Evolution and
Environmental Science)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Professeur adjoint

Département de biologie
Faculté des sciences
Faculté de l’Éducation
Université d’Ottawa

Pédagogie scientifique et communication scientifique
(Écologie, Évolution et Sciences


default category


National Finalist for Nature Inspiration Award

  I am honoured to have been selected as one of 5 finalists in Canada for the Nature Inspiration Award 2022 from the Canadian Museum of Nature.  I am among some strong candidates who have all made impressive impacts on Canadian society and our love of nature and the environment.  Check out the full list […]

Animal Behaviour Documentary Series

I am pleased to announce the release of the first of 2 nature documentary series that I have created for my courses at uOttawa.  These are meant to be generally accessible to a wide audience (and not just for undergraduate Biology students).  Have a look at the teaser trailer below and then head over to […]

CBC television news interview about SciComm in a pandemic

I was asked to speak to the reporters on CBC television news about the role of effective science communication during a pandemic.  You may watch the segment in the video below and please let me know what you think!  

Interview on Radio-Canada about lice

Last summer I had a feature length interview on the popular science program Le Monde Selon Boucar, en français sur les ondes de Radio-Canada. Vous pouvez écouter l’émission ici. 

Interview about music, art and science

Have a listen to some Biology profs discussing music, art and science in the latest uOttawa BioGrads magazine ‘BioMatters‘. I’m on second.       or here’s a direct link to the audio :

Nouvelle chronique scientifique: la pseudoscience en académie et dans les médias

Cette semaine à la Radio Unique FM à Ottawa avec Michel Picard on discute de la pseudoscience dans la recherche académique, ainsi que sa diffusion par des vedettes Hollywood dans les médias. Écoutez-en et dites moi ce que vous pensez!

Nouvelle chronique scientifique: une nouvelle terre avec Kepler 186f

Cette semaine sur les ondes de Radio Unique FM à Ottawa avec Michel Picard on discute de la recherche pour la vie extra-terrestre et la découverte d’une autre ‘terre’ avec Kepler 186f à 500 million d’années lumières (seulement)!  Écoutez-en et dites moi ce que vous pensez.

Nouvelle chronique scientifique: la folie pseudo-scientifique de l’homéopathie

Cette semaine sur les ondes de Radio Unique 94.5 FM à Ottawa avec Michel Picard on discute des principes illogiques de l’homéopathie et met en dispute une décision du gouvernement canadien à financer des projets d’homéopathie en Honduras via le département d’affaires mondiales Canada.  Écoutez-en et dites moi ce que vous pensez!

Nouvelle Chronique Scientifique: Ayahuasca et la santé mentale

Cette semaine sur les ondes de Radio Unique FM avec Michel Picard à Ottawa on discute de l’utilisation des psychédéliques pour le traitement psychothérapeutique des maladies neuro biologiques, tels les addictions et le PTSD.  Écoutez-en et dites moi ce que vous pensez!  

Nouvelle chronique: la science du noël

Cette semaine sur les ondes de Radio Unique FM avec Michel Picard à Ottawa, on discute de la science derrière la fête du noël et le père noël avec ses rennes.  Écoutez-en et dites moi ce que vous pensez!

Nouvelle chronique scientifique: le kilogramme

Cette semaine sur la Radio Unique FM à Ottawa avec Michel Picard on discute de la modernisation du système métrique et la re-définition du kilogramme.  Écoutez-en et dites moi ce que vous pensez!

Nouvelle Chronique: La Science et le Cannabis

Cette semaine sur les ondes du Radio Unique FM avec Michel Picard, on parle des issus scientifiques autour de la légalisation du cannabis au Canada.  Écoutez-en et dites moi ce que vous pensez!

Nouvelle Chronique Scientifique: La Science en Société

On est de retour sur les ondes de Radio Unique FM 94.5 avec Michel Picard pour discuter des issues scientifique qui nous touchent tous.  Cette semaine on a discuté de l’importance de la science en société.  Écoutez-en et dites moi ce que vous pensez!  

Adam sings on new album out today

I am thrilled and honoured to have been invited by my long-time pal Richard Reed Parry (Grammy, Polaris, Juno-award winning artist from Arcade Fire, Bell Orchestre) to sing on his new solo album that has been released today, entitled Quiet River of Dust Vol. 1.  Check out his website to have a listen to some […]

Science/Art Show up at the Manx

My current science/art show is currently hanging at the Manx pub on Elgin street in Ottawa for the month of July.  This show, which focusses on the aesthetic elements of insect diversity aims to connect people with nature in this common neighbourhood pub.  Come on by for a drink and a chat about biodiversity and […]

Nouvelle Chronique Scientifique: le St. Jean et le Solstice

On a fait un hommage au St. Jean et le solstice d’été cette semaine pour la dernière chronique scientifique de la saison avant de se reprendre en Septembre.   Écoutez en et dites moi ce que vous pensez!

Nouvelle Chronique: le G7 et l’ALÉNA

Depuis mon retour de la ville de Québec, que j’avais visiter la semaine passée pendant le temps du G7, il me semblait tout à fait approprié d’offrir mes commentaires sur ces réunions des chefs d’états, les disputes d’échange et le problème avec les ententes internationales pour la libre échange tel l’ALÉNA.  Écoutez-en et dites moi […]

Nouvelle Chronique Scientifique: les tiques et la maladie de Lyme

Cette semaine sur la radio Unique FM 94.5 à Ottawa avec Michel Picard, on parle des tiques qui portent la maladie de Lyme.  Écoutez-en et dites moi ce que vous pensez!  

Nouvelle Chronique Scientifique: l’agriculture biologique

Aujourd’hui en ondes avec Michel Picard on discute de l’agriculture biologique sur Unique 94.5 FM…. est ce que c’est meilleur pour l’environnement et pour notre santé que les produits de l’agriculture conventionnelle?  Écoutez-en et dites moi ce que vous pensez!

Nouvelle Chronique Scientifique: le plastique

Sur la radio Unique 94.5 FM en ondes avec Michel Picard, on discute la pollution par le plastique!  Écoutez en et dites moi ce que vous pensez.

Nouvelle chronique scientifique: pipelines

Cette semaine sur la chronique scientifique sur Radio Unique FM avec Michel Picard, on a parlé de la Marche pour la Science internationale ainsi qu’un sujet qui touche plus prêt chez nous, l’exploitation pétrolière et les pipelines/oléoductes au Canada.  Écoutez-en et dites moi ce que vous pensez!

Nouvelle Chronique Scientifique: L’Entomophagie!

Aujourd’hui j’ai animé une autre chronique scientifique hebdomadaire à la Radio Unique FM 94.5 avec Michel Picard.  Chaque semaine on discute un issue scientifique qui à une pertinence quelconque avec les actualités ou des implications sociétales.  Cette semaine on parle de l’entomophagie, ou l’alimentation des insectes, depuis que Loblaws avait annoncé la vente d’un poudre […]

Chronique scientifique à la radio

Depuis plusieurs semaines, j’anime une chronique hebdomadaire à la radio sur la science, la nature et les implications pour la société.  Cette blogue figure dans le cadre de l’émission de Michel Picard à la station Unique FM 94.5 chaque mercredi après midi à 16h45.  Écoutez-en et dites moi qu’est ce que vous pensez!   Cette […]

“Your Brain on Drugs” Guest Lecture at McGill Today

I will be traveling to Montreal in a few hours to give a guest lecture in the Drugs course (Chemistry 183) at McGill University today from 530-8.  I will speak to the students about the anatomy of mammal brains, the lifetime development of emotional and psychological systems, the causes and consequences of the use of […]

Finalist for 2017 Nature Inspiration Awards

I am absolutely thrilled to be chosen as one of five finalists nationally for an award that celebrates the achievements of Canadians that have shown leadership, innovation and inspiration for people to become interested in natural history, have helped to create links between people and nature, as well having contributed to the preservation of nature. […]

Hanging out with Arcade Fire

Last weekend, we joined around 15,000 people at the Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa for the latest show from Arcade Fire as they launch their Infinite Content tour.  As usual, they put on an amazing show of new material mixed with some of their old classics and they totally rocked an amazing new set design. […]

New Show Added to Netflix

A show I made with Love Nature Channel on plant and animal adaptations to predation entitled ‘Attack and Defend’ has recently been added to Netflix internationally.  Have a look at the exciting (and sometimes gruesome) episodes and let me know what you think! You may watch a segment of mine on Venus Fly Traps here:

uOttawa Cross-Faculty Symposium on Science Teaching and Learning

A Cross-Faculty Symposium on Science Teaching and Learning: Linking Theoretical and Practical Perspectives Faculty of Science and Faculty of Education University of Ottawa, Monday May 8, 2017 in Lamoureux 477 This inaugural cross-Faculty symposium will be a venue allowing for communication and collaboration between our two Faculties, in order to share and discuss our theoretical […]

Stuart McLean has passed, have a listen to his Father’s Day tribute

I am saddened to hear about the death of Stuart McLean.  His voice and rich stories were a staple for me over the years listening to the CBC radio.  We were very touched and honoured to have had him pay tribute to my dad’s band, The Friends of Fiddler’s Green, for the Father’s Day episode […]

Cross-appointment to the Faculty of Education

Recently I received the tremendous honour of becoming the very first cross-appointed professor from the Faculty of Science to the Faculty of Education in the history of the University of Ottawa.  I am very excited about the opportunity to forge this new ground, to create new learning opportunities for students in both Faculties and to […]

Panelist at 2016 Trottier Symposium on Science and the Public

Next Monday (October 17th) I will be a panelist at a round table discussion as part of the 2016 Trottier Symposium on Science and the Public, hosted by the McGill Office for Science and Society.  We will be discussing how science is portrayed by the media and given the illustrious assemblage of celebrity scientist and […]

Chat with a Scientist Project

It is clear that science and technology are becoming increasingly important to society and that individual citizens must be able to discern fact from fiction when they are making decisions related to the environment, public or personal health, consumerism or simply acting as informed responsible citizens in a democratic society. However, in the age of […]

Recording Music in the Studio with Arcade Fire’s Richard Parry

Wow, what an exciting day I had today.  I had the pleasure of singing some vocals on a few tracks for an upcoming album from Richard Reed Parry (Arcade Fire, Bell Orchestre), an old pal who is more like a cousin to me than anything else.  Our dads sang and played together in The Friends […]

Free: Public Communication of Science Webinar

I will be offering a free online webinar this Wednesday evening (7pm EST) on practices for skill development in the public communication of science in collaboration with Evidence for Democracy. It is a free event and open to participants via the following link, please join us!   https://evidencefordemocracy.ca/sites/all/modules/contrib/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=2374&qid=1260401

uOttawa Faculty of Science promo video

There is a neat new promo video that was recently put out to showcase the richness of the student experience in the Faculty of Science at the University of Ottawa.  I make a brief cameo with some butterflies towards the end.  Check it out and enrol yourself in one of the best Science programs there […]

uOttawa Divestment Campaign a Success!

As a member of the University of Ottawa’s committee for sustainable development and one of the founding signatories of the uOttawa fossil-fuel divestment campaign I am thrilled to announce that the Board of Governors voted this week to adopt a position of fossil-fuel divestment for uOttawa.  This courageous but necessary move has positioned uOttawa as […]

New Research Article Published in JoRST

This week we have seen another research article published on my work as a Science Educator at uOttawa.  This study focusses on an innovative and effective method of instruction for the sciences that relies on the teaching of examples in order to learn the rule.  Please have a look at “Exemplification in Science Instruction: Teaching […]

New Article on ‘Knowledge vs. Belief’ for the McGill OSS

I have written another article for the McGill Office for Science and Society on the conflict between ‘knowledge’ and ‘belief’, as well as some implications for society in general.  Please have a look at the article here and let me know what you think!

Associate Member of the McGill Office for Science and Society

I have had the distinguished honour of being invited to join the Office for Science and Society at McGill University as an Associate Member.  This organization, which is guided by the motto “Separating Sense From Nonsense” has the goal of increasing the public’s awareness and understanding of science in society by separating Fact from Fiction.  The […]

My TEDx talk Featured on Netflix show Chelsea Does

My TEDx talk on Ayahuasca from a few years ago has taken on a life of its own among the various alleys, nooks and crannies of the internet.  This week, it went a bit more mainstream when it was featured on an episode of the new Netflix television series Chelsea Does.  In this episode she […]

New Custom Textbook for The Human Animal

I have just received the very first copies of a new textbook that I have compiled for The Human Animal (BIO1300) in collaboration with Pearson Canada.  The topics include: The modes and mechanisms of evolution Human evolution and the hominid lineage Climate change Skin structure and function The evolution of hairlessness and skin colour UV […]

Interview with Radio-Canada on blackflies (in French)

This week I spoke with Radio-Canada show Les Samedis du Monde on the topic of those pesky blackflies that plague us and prevent us from enjoying the outdoors around this time of year. If you want to listen to it, you can skip to 8:12 (after the music) and listen to the segment called Pourquoi […]

New video: a history of the evolution of biodiversity

  Over the past year, I have worked on writing, producing and hosting a video production on the timescale of the evolution of biodiversity on earth and the relatively recent appearance of humans on the scene, in collaboration with Dr. Ian Clark and Maverix Productions. This video is meant to act both as a standalone informal […]

Featured in an article in The Globe and Mail

I was interviewed by The Globe and Mail on the topic of those pesky Black Flies and asked to justify their existence, despite their bane on human well-being.  I hope that I succeeded in rising to the defence of these pesky little creatures. You can read the article here and please let me know what you […]

New Segment from Episode of Love Nature Available

Another segment from the upcoming television series ‘Love Nature’ about animal behaviour is available for viewing.  In this portion, we are discussing the evolution of helping behaviour in honey bees.

uOttawa Sustainability Initiatives video series

Over the past year I have produced a number of videos with students of science at uOttawa and Production Maverix that showcase the sustainability initiatives at the University of Ottawa.  These projects are meant in part to offer science students the opportunity to develop skills related to the media production of science communications, as well […]

Rick Mercer-Style Rant Video Out Now

Last summer, I produced and directed a short science education video with Jason Gencher a student at McGill, in collaboration with Production Maverix and Dr. Joe Schwarcz at McGill’s Office for Science and Society.  It is based on some of the experiences that Jason had during his internship at Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency.  Have […]

First Episode of Love Nature now Available

Check out the first of several episodes that I filmed for a new nature series entitled Love Nature on “The Mystery of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog”.  Stay tuned for more as they become available and please let me know what you think!

Pedagogical Manuscript Coming Out Soon

Over the past 8 years or so, I have developed a pedagogical approach to teaching and learning of scientific terminology to accompany the instruction of a course that I teach at uOttawa on an introduction to animal form and function.  One of the great challenges to students is in the requirement to learn entire lexicons […]

Filming for New “Love Nature” Documentary

Over the past month, I have been working with researchers from Blue Ant Media to build segments for an upcoming series of nature documentaries that I will be narrating, called Love Nature.  These video segments are on the topic of the marvellous field of Animal Behaviour and I have just completed the filming of our […]

App du Glossaire Biologique maintenant disponible sur Android

Le Glossaire des Termes Biologiques que j’ai crée pour les étudiant.e.s en biologie à l’Université d’Ottawa et maintenant disponible comme App pour les appareils électroniques utilisant le plateforme Android.  Maintenant vous pouvez porter avec vous une liste de plus de 1200 termes spécialisées des domaines de la zoologie, écologie, évolution, physiologie et d’autres sur votre appareil à […]

Guest expert on The Prime Radicals for TVOkids

Last winter we filmed a scene for The Prime Radicals, during which Alanna the host visited me at the University of Ottawa to talk about cryptography and code breaking.  Yeah, that’s right I’m about as cryptic as they get so that could make me somewhat of an expert.  Check out their website here and have […]

Ayahuasca TEDx talk video online now

The professional edit of my TEDx talk from last fall on the topic of Ayahuasca has now been posted on the TED Youtube channel.  You may also watch it directly below here: Please let me know what you think!

Episode of Finding Stuff Out on air now

The Season 2 episode of Finding Stuff Out on ‘Plants’ that features me as an expert guest has aired on TVOkids.  Stay tuned to the TV to catch it on reruns or check out my clip below: . . . . . . .  

TEDx talk at uOttawa on Ayahuasca

On the 23rd of November 2013 I gave a TEDx talk in a conference put on by the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa with the theme ‘Visions’.  What better topic on which to present my experiences taking the extremely potent psychedelic brew called Ayahuasca with shamans in the jungles of Peru for our […]

Watch the episode of The Agenda on iTunes

Our episode of The Agenda with Steve Paikin from last Thursday, October 17 on the topic of the “Silencing of Science in Canada” is available to be watched for free from the iTunes store here (or on Youtube below).  Have a gander at our conversation and let me know what you think. I thought it went […]

Interview on TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin

Last Thursday, October 17th, 2013 I was a guest panelist on The Agenda with Steve Paikin on TVO at 8 and 11pm.  The topic for this discussion was be “Prime Minister Harper’s War on Science”.  You may watch it live online at the show’s website above or the episodes are also available on iTunes as […]

Nouveau look pour l’app du Glossaire Biologique

La version app du Glossaire Biologique vient tout juste de recevoir une mise à jour de l’interface graphique, ce qui améliore l’expérience de l’utilisateur.  La nouvelle esthétique à été créée par l’équipe à Fancy Boys et rend l’app un plaisir à utiliser.  Vous pouvez trouver l’app sur le site du magasin iTunes ici pour télécharger […]

Featured in article on Science censorship in Canada

I was interviewed for this article featured in The McGill Daily: Last summer, a rally of over 2,000 researchers, scientists, and students gathered on Parliament Hill to protest a federal trend of scientific censorship that began when the Conservative party took control of the Federal government in 2006. For the protesters, the government had crossed […]

Science Communication blog on uOttawa Gazette

Over the past few centuries, universities have slowly shifted from offering degrees in a diversity of subjects and widely general studies to producing specialists today that are often incapable of relating the content or importance of their work to anyone outside of their immediate field. While modern academic institutions were flourishing in a time called […]

Science Communication talk at uOttawa

I have been invited to speak at this speaker series run by the Science Student’s Association at uOttawa on Thursday, March 7th 2013.  I will be speaking after the renowned science communicator and TV personality, Dr. Joe Schwarcz.  My talk will address the Science Communication needs of today’s undergraduate Science students. Please visit the Facebook […]

Defending Science Panel Discussion online now

On Sept. 25, 2012, I was a participant in a panel discussion at the University of Ottawa, hosted by Alternatives Journal, on the topic of Defending Science in Canada.   There was a lively conversation and a great turn out, with some interesting questions from the crowd towards the end.  You may read the description […]

On the set for Finding Stuff Out season 2

This week I travelled to Montreal to film another episode of Finding Stuff Out for TVOkids.  This was my second time on this show, this time I was hanging out with host Harrison Houde and talking about Plants.  The second season airs in January 2013 but you can still watch the episodes from season 1 […]

TV show on air: Finding Stuff Out

Last summer, I spent a day filming an episode of a new science show for kids, called Finding Stuff Out.  This new series, hosted by Harrison Houde on TVO Kids, is a blog-style TV show in which Harrison answers questions he receives from kids on his website with the help of guest scientists.  Next Friday, […]

Focus Group for Undergraduate Guide

You are invited to participate in a Focus Group on the book The Biology Undergraduate Student’s Guide to Success, recently published by Dr. Adam Oliver Brown and Nelson publications. This short manual was written in order to help undergraduate students of Biology to learn, to retain and to communicate their course material. Come to 250 […]

The Nature of Things on air this Thursday!

Over much of 2009-2010, I was involved in the production of an episode of The Nature of Things on the psycho-therapeutic use of the highly potent psychedelic Amazonian plant mixture known as Ayahuasca.  This documentary follows a Vancouver doctor Gabor Mate as he explores the use of this ancient jungle medicine for his skid-row patients […]

Elected as a Director to the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals

This past 13-16th of October, the annual conference for the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals was held in Niagara Falls, Ontario.  These weekends are a carnival of seminars, concerts, networking and parties over 4 days and nights with the Who’s Who of the North American festival scene.  I was involved as a stage hosting MC […]

Video of Keynote talk online now

Last February 2011, I traveled to St. John’s, Newfoundland to give the Keynote Lecture at the Aldrich Interdisciplinary Conference at Memorial University. During this lecture, I spoke on the need for academics to participate actively in the public discourse of science and drew upon some case study failures of scientific communication, including the propagation of pseudo-science […]

Dance show in London, UK

Maple Morris are traveling to the UK next week to put on a stage dance show with Morris Offspring at the Cecil Sharp House in London, followed by a week of performing at the Sidmouth Folk Festival in Devon. Must Come Down With Becky Price, Jackie Oates, Gavin Davenport, Matthew Keegan-Phipps and Debs Newbold A […]

TVI dancing “Steve’s” at Newfane

Here is a nice video of one of my favourite Thames Valley International dances ever, written for our dear friend Steve Adams, who died in WTC1 on 9/11.  It was performed as our show dance at Newfane, VT for the Marlboro Morris Ale in May 2011.    

My apartment is featured in Apt613

Apt613, the local Ottawa-Gatineau arts and culture online publication has started a new column showcasing interesting apartments around town.  They have launched their series with a special profile on my apartment.  Accompanied by some descriptive text on how and why the place came to be, there is a photo slideshow of the diggs.  Please check […]

App du Glossaire Biologique disponible sur iTunes!

Le Glossaire des Termes Biologiques que j’ai crée pour les étudiant.e.s en biologie à l’Université d’Ottawa et maintenant disponible comme App pour les iPod, iPhone et iPad.  Maintenant vous pouvez porter avec vous une liste de plus de 1200 termes spécialisées des domaines de la zoologie, écologie, évolution, physiologie et d’autres sur votre appareil à […]

Seminar for the Centre for University Teaching

I will be giving a seminar Wednesday morning (Jan. 19) at the University of Ottawa for the Centre of University Teaching, as part of their lecture series on innovative practices in teaching.  I will be talking about the creation of my online French-language glossary of biological terms and related topics.  The lecture will be from […]

Keynote Speaker in Nfld

Next week, I will be traveling to St. John’s, Newfoundland to speak at the Aldrich Interdisciplinary Conference at Memorial University.  I will be participating in a Panel discussion on Public Speaking as well as closing down the conference with a Keynote talk on the role of Communication as the bridge between Academia and Society.  The […]

Nature of Things Episode: Developments

Our episode for The Nature of Things entitled Strange Brew: An End of Addiction is now in the last stages of post-production and will hit the airwaves soon on CBC Television. In the context of making the best documentary possible, we have decided to place greater emphasis on the main characters and storyline as it […]

Green Initiatives Discussions at the OCFF

This past weekend in Ottawa, over 700 musicians and festival organizers met in downtown Ottawa for 4 days of non-stop music, networking and festivities as part of the annual conference for the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals.  I participated in round table discussions with the purpose of sharing information across festival organizational structures in order […]

The Nature of Things

Dr. Brown will be hosting The Nature of Things

I will be hosting North America’s longest standing and most decorated science and nature program in January 2011, with an episode on addictions and the use of the Amazonian psychaedelic brew Ayahuasca in the treatment of addiction patients.  Stay tuned for more information and clips as the show comes closer to the airdate.  We are […]

The 24th annual OCFF conference is coming up!

The Ontario Council of Folk Festivals annual conference is a 4-day long music and networking extravaganza.  Held this year again at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown Ottawa from the 14-17th of October, I will be attending this conference as a delegate representing the Ottawa Folk Festival, as well as participating as a panelist in […]

The Friends of Fiddler’s Green vs. Stan Rogers

I grew up spending most of my spare time hanging out backstage at concerts, festivals and camps devoted to folk music and dance throughout the 70s and 80s. This was largely due to my father’s incessant gigging schedule with The Friends of Fiddler’s Green (pictured left in their heyday) and later as a participant myself […]

Back from Europe!

I am just back from 3 weeks in Europe, having gone for an IJAS conference in Provence.  From Aix, I revisited my old stomping grounds in Nice for a weekend and had fantastic jaunts in Paris and London, as well as a great week in Cornwall, on the British Riviera, visiting family.  Check out some […]

Ottawa Folk Fest: Line-up Announced

The initial line-up for this year’s Ottawa Folk Festival was just announced at the media release held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown Ottawa this morning.  The festival will be held from the 13-15 of August at Britannia Park and will be hosting the following acts, among several other yet to be announced: The […]

ArtsScene Ottawa: Board of Directors

I have recently joined the Board of Directors for the Ottawa ArtsScene organization, a group dedicated to promoting Ottawa’s vibrant and diverse arts community, as well as bridging the link between the Arts and Business.  Over the course of the calendar year we will be hosting a number of artistic events that will allow you […]

Back from Peru!

Dr. Brown is just back from a gruelling but fantastic trip to Tarapoto, Peru for the filming of the upcoming Nature of Things episode on Amazonian plant medicine and Ayahuasca.  We had an amazing time filming in the tropical forests, swinging on vines and braving raging rivers!  This is not to mention the tremendously potent […]

Ottawa Folk Festival: Board of Directors

I have been elected onto the Board of Directors for the Ottawa Folk Festival. This is an exciting time for this international music and dance festival with the recent hiring of a new Festival Director (Dylan Griffith) and General Manager (Ana Miura) and I am thrilled to be a part of it.  The OFF hosts […]

Science Communication

Science is playing an increasingly important role in society and therefore members of the general public will need to make sound political, ethical, technological and economic decisions based at least in part on the integrity of the science behind each scenario. In a democratic society, public opinion plays a major role in decisions made in […]

Off to Peru!

Dr. Brown is heading off to Tarapoto, Peru in March in order to film the next series of segments for the Nature of Things episode.  We will be exploring the Amazonian jungle, attending Ayahuasca ceremonies in traditional Amazonian contexts and documenting the use of the psychaedelic brew in clinics treating people with various types of […]

Nature of Things filming

Dr. Brown will be hosting a Nature of Things episode set to air next fall. In the mean-time we will be filming a special lecture on Friday the 5th of February. Let me know if you are interested in attending and want to see your face on the CBC!

Unfolding article

I have been featured in an article on Scientist/Artist hybrids in Ottawa by the magazine Unfolding: A Journal of the Creative Process (Oct. 2009, Vol. 2, issue 7).  Click here to read the article.